10 May Hematite – the Natural Healing Remedy
Hematite is found in non-mining areas. It is a massive opaque material comes in colors of iron gray and black. Hematite is a red oxide of iron. (1)
Its name comes from the Greek word haima, which means blood because it becomes res if you crush or slice it. From ancient times it was used as paint in caves as well as war paint that brings invincibility. It was traditionally also used in mirrors since the crystal is super shiny. (2)
Not only it was found in planet Mars, but also in Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, England, Germany and the United States. (3)
It is considered a very powerful detoxifying crystal and was used for protection since Antiquity. (4)
It is referred as The Stone of Higher Mind, because it enhances memory, stimulates the mind and brings general grounding and calmness. It balances our meridians of our body. (5)
Hematite is used nowadays to keep the blood healthy and to help cure blood and liver related ailments. It is thought to improve circulation of oxygen in the blood and therefore has been used to cool the body and alleviate fever.  Hematite increases strength and it helps with back pain, bone and joint related injuries and arthritis.
It increases the flow of healing chi and helps to accelerate the body’s natural healing process.
For our pets it grounds and balances their energies. Helps them be centered and calm, strong and secure.
It also aids them  in blood circulation, muscle cramps inflammation, fractures and Kennel cough. Hematite always is known to help them with  spine and spinal alignment issues.
(1, 2) Mirrors in Mesoamerican culture, Wikipedia.org
(3) Hematite, Nasa.gov
(4) What Are the Health Benefits of Hematite?, Livestrong.com
Cover image source: Wikipedia.org